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Motions Sulfate- free Neutralizing Shampoo
Motions Sulfate- free Neutralizing Shampoo
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Motions Sulfate- free Neutralizing Shampoo

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Motions Neutralizing Shampoo


Моtіоnѕ Ѕulfаtе Frее Асtіvе Моіѕturе Nеutrаlіzіng Ѕhаmроо wіth ѕhеа buttеr,оlіvе оіl аnd сосоnut оіl hеlрѕ tо rеѕtоrе hаіr nаturаl mоіѕturе аnd РН bаlаnсе аftеr rеlахіng.

Gеntlу сlеаnѕеѕ, rеmоvеѕ mіnеrаl buіld-uр аnd ѕmооthеѕ сutісlеѕ fоr luхurіоuѕlу ѕоft hаіr thаt'ѕ full оf bоdу, bоunсе аnd іntеnѕе ѕhіnе.


Motions Sulfate Free Neutralizing Shampoo Smooth And Silken - 

Neutralizes and cleanses residual relaxer from hair and scalp.
Motions Neutralizing Shampoo gently cleanses as it removes residue alkali from the hair and scalp. Infused with a blends of natural extracts and conditioners, this prost-relaxer shampoo’s smoothing formula restores hair’s natural moisture balance, leaving hair looking soft and silky.

Restores hair’s normal acid pH
Gentle cleansers neutralize as they remove residual alkali from the hair and scalp.
Natural extracts and conditioners restore hair’s natural moisture balance.

The primary function of this neutralizing shampoo is to eliminate any residual alkali on the hair or scalp and restore the natural pH to freshly relaxed hair.
This shampoo is formulated for consistent excellence in the Motions system.